IT Summer Project by Ryan Holloway

Software Architect


According to April 2015 job listings for software architects, employers typically require applicants to have advanced proficiency in specific programs and programming languages, such as Java, C#, and Flash. Some architects demonstrate expertise in such products by earning program-specific certification. Strong communication, analysis, and problem-solving skills are also required for a career in systems architecture. Those who demonstrate leadership skills and business savvy may have the best chances of advancement.

An undergraduates degree in software engineering, computer science or information systems would be required to land a job as a software architect.


Crafting the right architecture to solve the problem at hand is only part of architects' responsibilities. They must also:

-define, document, and communicate it.

-make sure everyone is using it, and using it correctly.

-make sure that it comes out in stages in a timely way so that the overall organization can make progress before it's complete.

-give input as needed to issues like tool and environment selection

-make sure that the architecture is not only the right one for operations, but also for deployment and sustainment.

-maintain morale, both within the architecture group, and externally as well. The latter is done by providing a sound design, when needed, and providing good presentations and materials to let everyone know the organization is on the right track.

-plan for new technology insertion.

Personal Qualities

The employee must be able to/have:

-positive during times of struggle.

-have good self management.

-work well in a team.

-have good organisational skills.

-be able to tell somebody when they are doing something wrong(VITAL FEATURE).